New Members Class

If you wish to participate or know someone who may be interested please contact the office or speak with Pastor Jay. Class on: Sunday July 17, 11:30 – 1:30 pm and Wednesday July 27, 6- 8pm. Please let Pastor Jay know if these dates/times won’t work for you and he will schedule a date/time that will be convenient for you.

Northminster Community Garden at Ten Years Old

The Community Garden celebrated its tenth anniversary last weekend. We had a nice turnout to celebrate such a milestone and a very pleasant time visiting the different beds and sharing some good food.

It also gave me some time to reflect what the garden has brought along with it while producing some great tomatoes and kale and strawberries. Ten years ago, what was a largely an ignored bit of church property was transformed from a tawdry little lawn into a thriving hub, a gathering place for church neighbors to congregate and share not just gardening but friendship and camaraderie. With the expansion a few years later, this circle doubled. Although we can’t come up with a wholly accurate number, we believe that over two hundred people have shared time as gardeners. A completely uncertain number of visitors have also come through via the Clairemont Garden Tour (three times), and folks just walking by on the sidewalk stopping in to have a look. A repeating theme of visitor’s comments revolve around what a pleasant oasis the garden is, and how serene it can be, even though it is on one of the busiest streets in the city.

While we may sometimes lament upon our ability to change or improve the world, we have managed to change and improve one small part of it with the Northminster Community Garden.

Memorial Bricks Campaign!

For the next three months you will have the opportunity to purchase memorial bricks to honor and commemorate your loved ones. The bricks will be added to the existing memorial wall in the main corridor leading to Congdon Hall. The cost is $50 per brick. This fundraiser will help support all the wonderful things our education committee has planned for our children this year. Please pick up a form from the table in the Narthex. You can return forms to the office or place them in the collection plate.

OR, you can order directly on-line HERE.

If you have any questions, please contact Johana Smith.

Thank you for supporting our kids!

Ukraine Disaster Assistance

Our concerns for those caught in the horrendous grip of aggression in Ukraine have elicited many prayers from folks of Northminster PC. Some have said they wanted to send monetary assistance to make real their good wishes. If you would like to donate funds to help Ukrainians caught in this situation, please consider sending contributions through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance by making your check payable to (NPC) Northminster Presbyterian Church (with a memo note on the check designating the funds as "PDA Ukraine"). Drop your check in the Sunday offering--or send it to the church--and your gift can be forwarded immediately to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, which, along with Church World Service and other agencies, is already involved in helping in whatever ways possible in this Ukraine disaster situation.

CCSA Christmas Programs

Items for both Christmas Baskets for families and Christmas Bags for homeless individuals are being received through the second Sunday of December. Lists of appropriate items can be found in CCSA brochures on the narthex table. Completed Baskets are to be delivered to St. Mark's UM Church on DECEMBER 14. Items for the Bags will be received through December 12. At Northminster PC, the CCSA receptacles are located near the entry area of the narthex. Thank you for your gracious gifts for these programs.

Eagle Project at Northminster Church & Preschool

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Tyler Moyers has selected NPC church and preschool for his Eagle Scout community service projects! He will be building:

  • A new cabinet in the Church's Youth Room to organize the Sunday school supplies and make it less cluttered.

  • A new bench for the preschool 2-year-old students to sit on when waiting for their parents to pick them up; currently the kids sit on little plastic chairs that can tip over. A bench is a much safer option.

Learn more and see photos at: Eagle Project at Northminster Church & Preschool.