Calendar of Events

Sundays 10am - Worship in person or on ZOOM

Monday 7:30am - Prayer Team

Tuesday 6pm - Unity Group

Thursday 7:30am - Prayer Team

Dear Faithful Saints,

A new year gives us an opportunity for a fresh start on the goals that may have slipped by the wayside in the previous year. Personal goals might include getting in better shape physically, reading through the Bible in a year, completing those pesky home projects, or doing a better job of keeping current with our dearest friends. January can also be an exciting time for our church as we continue to work together to discover God's plan and purpose for Northminster.

We are returning to our sermon series in the Book of Acts on January 9th. I hope we dedicate the next couple of months to looking beyond ourselves both locally and internationally to recognize, understand, and serve the people Jesus referred to as "the least of these." We can identify with Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds in the Christmas story as they reminded us of how blessed we are because of their obedience to be used in God's plan of salvation for the world.

As the Israelites discovered time and time again, patience and faith are pleasing to the Lord, and it seems both of those attributes are required as the Session continues to discern the next steps of our journey. It is exciting because we know that God is in control and is doing great things in our midst. I thank everyone who has prayed and fasted for our church's future. Would you please pray for our church that the Spirit of God will guide us into a new season of joy and service in our love for God and love for our neighbors?

In Christ's service on the journey together, Pastor Jay


As we embark on a new year, the session is compiling a list of activities and goals for 2022. several ideas that have been suggested:

  • Midweek Bible study

  • Monthly Family Sunday Sunday

  • Daily morning devotions

  • Welcome preschool families to all church functions

Please share your thoughts and ideas with Pastor Jay or church officers!

From Paula Cunningham

A big thank you to everyone who attended the tea and for their generous support of the CCSA infant layette program. This was the largest donation we have ever received, and CCSA was thrilled with the many baby items. Thank you all for your contributions!